It has been a long time since I laid plans of mice and men, blah, blah blah as I thought back in March when I had great intentions to keep up my monthly posts! Well, life happens, so we adjust.
Back in April 2014, we had to change our focus due to Rod's recurrent prostate cancer. I havn't told many people about this news and now only after several months (and a positive outcome so far) are we ready to tell the story now. This story has a good ending and is reaffirmation that we do indeed live in the age of miracles. Below, are some of my thoughts (Sarah) that I kept in a separate diary going through this journey...and yes, it is a journey and with cancer, I'm not sure we ever arrive at a think of this as a rest-stop break update! It's a long post, so if you are not interested in a health-o-log, skip this entry!
The anxiety before the facts
5 April 2014
Finally, we talked about it one evening when he told me he counted the number of time he went to the toilet one day…43. 43 times to the toilet in one day…that is not quality life in my book…but it’s not me. He finally decided that he had to do something about it. Praise The Lord!He called the dr’s office where he received treatment 7 years ago and started all of the inquiries, and at the same time started the process for insurances. He is over 65, so Medicare is involved…and the back and forth between my company insurance and Medicare has begun. In the meantime, I’m getting a flight schedule set up to get him to the US to see a Dr and try to get the cure process started. Of course everything hurts on him now,which makes me suspect that the cancer has gotten out of the prostate gland itself..I have no proof, but sometimes, my mind just inserts anything and calls it fact. At least now, it looks like on 28 April, he’s going to be in the US to see a Urologist and he can start to get some facts on which he can make decisions. After he gets a prognosis, then I can make some plans. For now, I will stay here in China and work as normal as I can.
Tickets to the US bought, alternative treatment begins
9 April 2014
So, today, I ordered the tickets to go to the USA to start the treatment for suspected prostate cancer. I say suspected treatment because today, we have few facts. We have PSA numbers trending over time…starting 4 when he first got treated with radiation 7 years ago to now 15 and increasing faster and faster as the months go by. He has an appointment on the 28th of April with a urologist in Lexington, SC. Once he gets examined, then we should get some information and get a treatment plan.Also today, Rod started the alternative medicine treatment. He read about a treatment Plan using food grade hydrogen peroxide, and today he started this regimine. I don’t know if it will work, or if it’s a bunch of snake oil…but I figure, what has he got to lose, so I’m going with it.
I will make my personal plans when he gets some news after the dr visit…one day at a time.
Cure could be worse than the illness
18 April 2014
So, after about a week on the hydrogen peroxide, he got sick…cold,
fever,etc. So he stopped taking the treatment for 3 days. I know he was
not feeling well at all and couldn’t blame him. As of today, he’s back
on the treatment. It is 1 week from today that he will go to the US.
He has had flip flops on the conventional treatment plan. Of course
it’s all speculation right now…we still have no facts. Each time he
listens to the internet on some different alternative medicine cancer
treatment, he flip flops. He did say a couple of days ago that he
didn’t have the urge to go to the toilet as much and thought the
alternative treatment was working. Today he said the urge to go often
has returned. I just think he’d be better off without the prostate at
this point. Not my body though.
Flight day...-1
25 April 2014
We celebrated 31 years of marriage last night…a wonderful dinner and a very thoughtful traditional Chinese wedding gift. He told me he was flying out at 4:00 so we would leave the apartment at 2:00 to go to the airport. At around 11:30 I asked to recheck the tickets for some reason, and it was then that we discovered that he misread the itinerary and he had actually missed the flight! He was heart sick. We were able to get it changed to tomorrow..all is well. The good news is that his appointment is not until Monday the 28 th, so no big deal. I know it hurt his pride, made him think he was going crazy, made him mis-trust himself and his ability to travel alone. He’s not well. He knows it, I know it, and we’re both hoping for good news with the doc appointment, but the signs are not so good…and part of me is just trying to prepare for what could be bad news…like most times where there is fear of the unknown, it’s the not knowing and not able to plan that is the worst.One day at a time, I try to stay in today and not project too much into the future
Biopsy done, now we wait
2 May 2014
He went through the biopsy today…no we wait…they told him about a week until they will know anything. I’m grateful the biopsy went well, he was put completely under which was a surprise to me. I don’t remember that from last time. I am here in China, and he is in Lexington, SC… 12 hours time difference. Our friends in SC are taking care of him there, and our friends in China are taking care of me here.So far God has helped me keep my mind focused on other things most of the time…it’s been a week since he missed his plane to the US. Seems like it has been forever.
One wait over, another begins
10 May 2014
I got the news today, the biopsy results are not good, 9/12 biopsy samples are Gleason score > 7 and that confirms that the cancer is back with a vengeance. Now they must do a bone scan and see if the cancer has spread to the lymph system. That will be done in a week, and he should have the results rather quick after that. The doc said that surgery is not really an option right now as the survival rates with and without surgery are about he same. He will not make a treatment plan before the results of the bone scan are known except to say that he should go on hormone therapy to slow down the growth of the cancer.Good news!
17 May 2014
Got the news yesterday that the cancer has not spread! It’s still stage 3, but it’s not stage 4! He has decided that he will go to an alternative medicine treatment facility in Myrtle Beach, SC to get on a regime aimed to kill the cancer with nutrition. I am all for it…just hope he will also take the hormone therapy. My view is shrink it with hormone therapy in the short term, and kill it with nutrition in the long term. All in all, it’s been a much better weekend for all concerned, than the last one. He is not out of the woods yet, but he’s on a good path. Strange thing is the insurance co will not pay for any of the alternative medicine treatment, so all of that will come out of pocket..good thing we have the money.The nutrition will be a big adjustment of his sugar, all whole foods. I haven’t seen the regime, but it sounds a lot like what I already have been doing since I started the new lifestyle that helped me lose 100 pounds and keep it off. I pray for his willpower to keep doing it.
Thank you God for giving my husband divine thought and leading him to a path that will hopefully keep him living for many more years!
Alternative treatment in myrtle beach
22 May 2014
3 days ago, Rod started the alternative medicine treatment. They have put him on a special vegetarian, super vitamin rich diet to help him lose weight, multiple cleanses for the intestine, colon, acupuncture treatments to help revitalize his liver and not sure what else. He had his blood analyzed in front of him and the chinese doc pointed out things that were not right in his blood. How would you know if she was telling your the truth!?? He’s also having a treatment of high frequency radio waves to set up a sympathetic vibration in cells to destroy the cancer cells, getting a high frequency light treatment and I’m sure I don’t know all of them.Here’s a link about the radio wave machine:
Here’s how he found the alternative medicine treatment center.
He did commit today to take the hormone shot in addition to this treatment, which I was glad to hear. I think it can work well together! I am fascinated about the treatment he is receiving and I would like to do the things he is doing just to experience it. Maybe one day we will do it together.
He said he was a grump this morning…3 days and no sugar, I’m sure he is miserable now that the new has worn off …that’s why I want him to do the hormone therapy…
Stay with it Rod! God’s not done with you yet!
Hormones and such
27 May 2014
So, the alternative medicine treatment is over, and so far Rod is staying on the new diet. He met a Chinese doc there who has a special chemo-injection treatment that is not approved in the US but is approved in China, and he has offices in Beijing. He will go to the Dr in Lexington, SC to try to get the hormone shot today to try to shrink the cancer chemically. Hopefully, the cancer will be shrunken with hormones, killed by the special chemo tumor injection treatment in Beijing, and stayed gone with the nutrition plan. That’s the plan!After he gets the shot, he is planning to make a circle in KY and OH to see family, then he will come back to China.
Coming home!
6 June 2014
Rod is now at the airport in Columbia, SC enroute back to China! He is now 3 weeks on the cancer fighting diet and seems to be doing well! He did go down to Myrtle beach for another treatment before he left and also brought some additional vitamins to bring back here to China. He is engaged to check out the Beijing doctor next week to get the 3rd prong of the approach going…prong 1 nutrition and the alternative treatments, prong 2 hormone shot, prong 3 direct inject chemo. He is very positive and so I am too. We’re going to treat this together and if I need to be on this diet too, I’ll do it.Love you Rod, we’re in this together!
The rush to get the 3rd Prong going
9 June 2014
Rod arrived home safe and sound on Saturday night. He jumped right in and started getting a bunch of tasks done like taxes, doctors appointments, etc doneToday (Monday) he went to the doc here in Shenyang and got a PSA blood test and got results the same day (gotta love that about China!) and the PSA went down slightly from what it was before the trip to the US. I don’t know if this is a normal fluctuation or real progress of the hormone /nutrition approach, but I’ll take what I can get!
He also now has an appointment for the doc in Beijing and we’ll take the train to Beijing on Friday, then he’ll have the treatment on Saturday, then come back on Sunday.
Here is the website of this doc in Beijing, Dr. Yu:
He will go there to Beijing for 4 weekends in a row, and depending on how he does with this procedure will determine if I need to go with him. It’s all done as outpatient, so we’re not sure of anything yet. I’ve cleared my schedule to go with him this 1st time. According to the website, they anticipate it only taking 4 procedures to get the cancer killed, and he should be able to see progress each time! Almost too good to be true! The key will then be for his ramped up immune system to take over and keep the cancer out once it’s killed this time…big difference from his radiation treatment 7 years ago. I just hope and pray it works.
God’s not done with you yet Rodney !
1st treatment done
14 June 2014
It’s Saturday evening and Rod is sitting with me after just taking a little walk in the suburbs of Beijing. We arrived yesterday afternoon after the train ride, then 1hr metro ride to the Shi he station way on the outside of Beijing. We arrived at the station and the doctor himself came tower is and drive us to his hospital. He had reserved the VIP suite for us on the 1st floor. 2 beds air conditioning and we were all set. No need for hotel which was nice! We ate at the hospital canteen as the doc’s guest last night. They came to have us fill out the paperwork and pre-pay (20000 RMB on the account) which is normal in China.This morning, they came early to draw blood and take urine and stool samples and ten later to give Rod a pain medication shot for the procedure. At 9:00am they took him upstairs for the procedure. This is what he told me: they put him in the CT scanner (still had his normal clothes on except he had his shorts down to expose his butt!) they scanned him and then took the long needle with the chemo stuff in it and went in through his hip area into the prostate. With the anesthesiology it was hard to tell when what injection happened, but he said they went back and forth in the CT machine several times, then several shots. After about 10 minutes it was over and Rod said all he really had the urge to do was pee! Of course when he had to pee, he couldn’t. He walked by on the way back to our room, dressed the same way as he left! No ICU hospital gowns here!
When he got back to the room, they put him on 2 IV’s, 1 for immune building and a 2nd for pain (although he said he wasn’t feeling any pain). He did say he felt the burning sensation around his prostate and when he did finally pee, he felt some burning and some blood passed which the doc said was normal. After the IV drips were done, he was hungry and we walked outside to a little restaurant we are at the day before when we arrived and had chinese dumplings with fresh grated cabbage and egg..sounds bad, but really tasty!
After that we sat and discussed the miracle of the day…finding the alternative medicine doc in Myrtle beach, this doc visiting at exactly the same time, living in China to easily get this treatment! Now, we just pray for it to work! He will come back next Sunday and get treated the same day, then stay Sunday night, then go back to Shenyang on Monday! In and out! Very efficient and hopefully effective! 1 down 3 to go.
All in all, I’m very pleased with the days events. I will not come back with Rod until the last treatment where I hope to see the before and after pictures and analysis of the treatment. The doc is confident and so is Rod, so I must be also!
A lot went on today! Very pleased and we both took a little nap this afternoon..both of us relaxed and are now ready to take the next steps!
Thank you Lord for bring us here, we trust in You to heal him up! We trust in Rod to keep on his diet afterwards to make his body healthy and a place where cancer does not grow!
Keep it up Rod!
The day after the 1st treatment in Beijing
15 June 2014
The morning after…Rod didn’t sleep well last night…said he always felt like he had to pee but when he got up several times to pee he couldn’t. He finally took another flow max and eventually could pee. This morning he said he felt really queezy and sick to his stomach. He said there was a difference between how he felt today vs yesterday. He could tell he had chemo inside. He’s not feeling really bad, just doesn’t doesn’t feel good.While he was getting showered early this morning, I was out 3 minutes, walk 1 minute HIIT. I can “run” for a long time like this. The little road and canal beside the hospital, even though heavily polluted, were a nice change of pace to the fitness center in our hotel and a good place to clear my mind. Lots of local people walking, buzzing by in small 3 wheeled trucks etc out and about before 6:00 in the cool of the day. I know that in order for me to be my best, I have to get the endorphins flowing and the most reliable way to make that happen is a good workout.
After I got showered up we went to the hospital canteen to see what would be for breakfast..some type of porridge..I passed and decided I would finish the cherries and nuts I brought here!
They brought him another 2 bottles of IV (same as yesterday, 1 for boosting immune system and 1 for pain relief, although like yesterday he says he has no pain other than the nausea). I’m sure that is why we have at least 1 week between treatments!
Rod will come back next Sunday, spend 1 night and go back on Monday. Next time he will fly! Train takes too long!
More not so good news
15 June 2015
When we were getting ready to leave the hospital today, we were surprised to see the doctor with a bunch of colleagues and students. It seems he was being visited by the president of the Peking Medical university and that doc wanted to discuss Rod’s case. He wanted to know all about his care in the US and how he came to find out about Dr Yu’s center in Beijing. When he and dr. Yu discussed his case in English in front of us, Dr Yu mentioned that the cancer was also in Rod’s bladder. This was the first time we had heard this. We talked about it after the visitor left and reasoned that Dr Lamb in Lexington only did a biopsy on the prostate and then did a bone scan…he did not do a CT scan, so he would not have known it had spread. Dr Yu’s treatment uses the CT scan, so at least he found it and hopefully his treatment with T cells and chemo will kill it…prostate and bladder. I’m not sure to have absorbed all of this yet…trying to keep positive, but real at the same time. We’re at the train station now, getting ready to board the train back to Shenyang. 4.5 hours on the train and 6 hours sleep and I’ll be at the fitness center and then I’ll be going to work..focus on work is a good thing right now.Come on Rod, give it all you got and let’s kill this thing!
The side-affects begin
16 June 2014
Rod was not feeling well last night…up all night trying to pee, couldn’t pee, then today, had diarrhea and still does not have any energy. Some blood blisters came up on his arms and he says he just doesn’t feel well. The general not feeling well, fatigue and diarrhea we think are from the chemo injection. The not being able to pee, we ‘re not sure, but fearing it is from the bladder cancer. We have a dinner scheduled for tomorrow night, but if Rod is feeling tomorrow the same as today, I will cancel it.We anticipate he will feel bad like this for the entire time he is taking this treatment and still for a month afterwards…it’s part of the chemo, but if it kills it, it’s certainly worth it!
Today, I didn’t feel so well either…physically I’m fine…but mentally, I’m struggling…this info yesterday about it being in the bladder is weighing on my mind and it’s hard to shake it.
Rod is trying to stay positive and reassuring me that it’s going to be ok…but I know he is struggling with it too.
Love ya baby, let’s kick this thing out!
Back for treatment 2
21 June 2014
After a couple of days, Rod felt better and seems to be ok again now…just in time to get another treatment tomorrow. He’s continuing to lose the weigh and stay on the Gerkin diet, no sugar and linseed oil and lots of greenie drinks. He says he thinks the treatment is doing some good…he doesn’t seems to have so much pressure to pee.He’s going to Beijing early tomorrow morning (Sunday) alone, get the treatment, spend the night, then come back Monday evening.
Praying he will be ok during this trip.
Whacked again
26 June 2014
This time after treatment, he hasn’t felt good for 3 days…no energy and still passing blood. He’s going back this weekend and still says he’ll do it alone, but I’m not sure it’s the best idea for him to be alone on the return trip this time…we’ll see how he feels tomorrow.3rd ones the toughest so far
29 June 2014
I just talked to Rod and this 3rd treatment was the toughest so far. He had to have a catheter and he said it hurt while they were doing the procedure and afterward he has had 4 IV’s instead of the normal 2. He says he’s “ok” but I hear in his voice that he’s not feeling too well. He said he talked to the doc and the doc seems pleased so far with the result, but then again, we’re not sure how much this doc really understands English. Not sure how much “normal peeing” he can expect after all this is said and done. He found out today that a month after the 4th treatment he will have to go back…not sure if that is for another treatment or if it it for a checkup.4th and goal
6 July 2014
The 4 the treatment has now been done and I got to witness this one. They brought him the pain medication injection, then about an hour and a half later they came to take him for the procedure. I followed him to the room where the big donut MRI was. He went into the MRI room and pulled down his shorts, laid on his stomach. The docs put a plastic target thing on his buttocks then lined him up and then put him into the MRI machine. I saw on the screen an image of his butt and prostate and watched as they looked at the target in reference to where they targeted in his prostate and they measured the distance and angle needed for the injection. They took a few more images to make sure which one was best. Then the main Dr came in and injected the long needle in part way and they sent him back Into the MRI and scanned him. On the screen I could see the needle pointing towards the area on the prostate. they pulled him back out, then pushed the needle in farther and scanned again.This time it was closer to the spot, but not quite there yet. They pushed the needle in further, and scanned again. This time it was right where they wanted it, so they injected the chemo solution. I could tell this hurt Rod as he laid there on the table, fully awake. After the injection,they scanned again, and the solution was dark black compared to all of the prostate area I was looking at. The doc said the white spots on the screen were “dead” fibrous areas of the tumor…the image I saw had 1 small part I. The middle that was white, all the rest was grey. The doc said the entire prostate was tumor other than the small white spot. The doc said he would answer my questions tomorrow morning. They will draw his blood tomorrow morning and measure his PSA.
Dr Ma operating the CT scanner with Rod inside |
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Rod taking an IV after one of the treatments |
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The statue in front of the Baofa Hospital outside of Beijing |
Rod paying for the services up front |
Rod and Dr Ma, getting ready for his driver to take us to the Metro station |
Rod getting prepped for the CT scan and treatment |
After it was over, Rod had to go to the toilet and he said he passed a lot of blood, but then it cleared up and he had a good stream, which he was happy about. He said it still hurt to pee, but better than before. This time I think they gave him several pain medications. After he got back to the room, he laid down and they came to give him the IV’s. Since then he has seemed OK. He said he didn’t feel bad, only during the treatment and immediately afterwards.
We talked a lot today about health, lifestyle, nutrition, where we might live after retirement, when could be my retirement, staying here in China or not etc…it’s all “bubblegum” today, but good to talk.
After he was comfortable in his bed taking the IV, I went for a long walk…just to listen to a podcast, get my mind off and get some exercise for today. It was good to clear my mind.
I’m glad I came today, glad I got to see it, will be glad to talk to the doctor tomorrow morning. Whatever he tells me won’t really change anything, but I hope it can satisfy my curiosity and help us make future decisions. We both feel it is still the right path, and the. 3 prong approach is the best approach for us! We are both looking forward to the 3 day visit to the alternative health clinic in September in Myrtle beach, SC… As we said today, it’s a new chapter in our lives where we are focused on taking care of ourselves…adventurous, but of a different type!
So proud of you Rod, what a transformation you are making! Keep up the good work!
Some questions have answers
7 July 2014
This morning Rod says he feels good and he sounds good. While Rod got his 2 IV’s today, I met with the doctor this morning and so glad I emailed the questions in advance. He was able to answer all of my questions and provide some reassurance. Below is a summary of the questions and answers.Cancer questions:
When the treatment is over, what PSA should we expect? PSA should go down. He does not have PSA results yet today, will email when he gets it.
He did have the evaluation of Rod’s immune system and said it was getting stronger. (Good news).
1) How often to get a PSA test done? Every month.
If we see PSA rising, what to do? Come back to get evaluation
2) Can he expect to have “normal” urination? Yes, not sure when, but he thinks this will happen. He mentioned the case of another patient who was worse than Rod who now is able to urinate normally now he just saw 2 weeks ago. He said after the tumor shrinks he should be able to pee normally.
Is there anything in traditional chinese medicine that can help improve urination? No need for this now.
3) Is the cancer any place else (bladder?) it is up against the bladder, touching it, but has not crossed over.
How often should he get a bone scan to confirm cancer has not spread? Every 3 months
Should he also get an MRI? If so at what frequency? No need for MRI
4) What about the continuation of the Hormone therapy after this six months? Yes, need to continue for at least 1 year. Also need to continue the nutrition therapy.
5) Please take the time show me the before and after MRI photos and explain to me exactly what I am seeing. White portion is fiborous and is dead. That is what we want to see get bigger and more spots start to appear.
where is the tumor? The entire prostate is considered tumorous with the results from the Biopsy.
how you you tell what is “live” and what is “dead” in the tumor? White is dead, grey is alive.
6) how long to take anti tumor pills? You can take these forever. It is traditional chinese medicine. Need a prescription to get more? No need for prescription, they are over the counter. Take to a pharmacy to get refill.
So, that’s where we are today…much more uplifting that I felt on Saturday night.
Keep up the good work Rod!
Good news travels fast
7 July 2014
Rod just got a call from the Doc at the cancer hospital and received the good news that his PSA value was 0.19! That is what it was after the 1st radiation treatment! We are both excited with this news! Now, hopefully his ability to pee will come back, and there will be lots of white spots on the CT scan when we go back at the beginning of August.The 3 prong approach is working!! Not sure which prong is driving the PSA down, or if it’s all three working together…doesn’t matter… We’re going to continue with all 3 until we can do no more!
Pee at last, pee at last, Thank God Almighty he can pee at last!
8 July 2014
Rod reported today that he felt ok today (normally after the treatments he feels really bad). He actually exercised today and when I asked him about his ability to pee, he said he had a good stream and didn’t have the urgent urge to go but 2 times today. He said he guessed he went to the toilet about 10 times total today and it didn’t hurt much (still some burning, but nothing like what it used to be)…this is compared to 45 times when it was when it was it’s worst.The numbers don't lie
11 July 2014
Today, Rod went to the hospital today here in Shenyang to get his PSA double checked, as he was not sure if the numbers were the same with a different lab. The good news is, they were confirmed at 0.20… Same as it was last time in Beijing at 0.192. So we were really happy about that!An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
3 August 2014
Yesterday, Rod got scanned and according to the doc the cancer is stable…not all dead, but not growing. He did not have any more treatments yesterday. Today, we had some time to talk to Dr. Yu and he explained our next steps. Below are the questions and answers:1. Follow up treatment, what to do next? What we just did for the 4 weeks was: 1st 2 treatments were direct inject chemo, the 3rd treatment was immune booster, and the 4th treatment was a slow release chemo. This, along with the hormone therapy and his nutrition therapy all helped drive PSA to almost 0. After a 4 week break, he will need to start an anti-metastasis treatment. This will be a 2 day treatment x 8 series. It is a US patented targeted organ treatment dr Yu has withy the aim to prevent spread of cancer to bone and other organs. It is a type of immune vaccine to go all over and get the organs (brain, liver, pancreas, lung and bones for example) to be immune from cancer. Rod will start this in September. 2. Status of Rod’s cancer today? Cancer is stable, not growing, Most of the cells in the prostate are either fibrous(dead, as a result of the radiation therapy in 2007 or this therapy now here in Beijing) or normal, however still some cancerous cells. Prostate has shrunk which is why he can urinate normally again.
3. Should he still consider surgery? No. The prostate has been chemically cut out and doing a physical removal at this point adds complications that are not necessary. No good quality of life afterwards.
4. Does he still need the hormone shot? Yes. Keep doing this. This gives us even more hope for a normal life! We have driven the PSA down, Rod continues to stay on the nutrition and immune boosting therapy, he continues to lose the weight and now he will try to inoculate himself from the spread of cancer with this prevention therapy.
So, of course he treatment is not over…we must continue down this path until we can drive the reoccurrence risk down! We know there are no guarantees, but we also know we must do everything to hedge our bets! Thanks for your continued prayers!
We leave here today confident and
hopeful! up anti-metastasis treatment. It is 2 day treatment x 8
series. It is a US patented targeted organ treatment to prevent spread
to bone and other organs. It is a type of immune vaccine to go all over
and get the organs (brain, liver, pancreas, lung and bones for example)
to be immune from cancer. Rod will start this in September.
So that's where we are now...we're getting ready to leave China for our required 30 day absence (due to taxes and visa) and when we come back, we'll get the treatments set up in Beijing and I'll do another update at some point in our journey.
There are many miracles here...the miracle that Rod learned about the Alternative medicine treatment place in Myrtle Beach and that he was open-minded enough to try it. The miracle that he met a Chinese doc, Dr. Dong and experience her healing at the clinic. The Miracle that he went to this clinic at exactly the right time to meet Dr Yu who was there only this week giving a presentation to US Doc's on his treatment methods. The miracle that he has changed his entire lifestyle and diet to eliminate sugar and experience the needed weight loss. And of course, The miracle that he now has 'normal urination' without medication, his PSA is almost 0 !
Is it the hormone treatment, or the frequency treatments or the direct injection chemo or the nutrition or all of the above that have lead to this outcome so far? I don't know and honestly, other than to satisfy my curiosity, I don't care...I'm just grateful we are where we are both physically here in China and with the results!
Thanks for your continued prayers and support along the way...please keep us in your prayers as we continue this journey!
Rod and Sarah